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Our dinghy Opweg has unfortunately disappeared since Bequia, as you have read in the previous blogs. The little dinghy that we so dearly borrowed from Bas and Agnes van Tisento, we returned to Martinique because this is the last place where we would probably see them. After a long search on Martninique and St. Lucia, we bought an outboard motor and a dinghy via the internet at Island Water World. The main building is located in Sint Maarten, this is a tax haven: there is NO tax! It is therefore really much cheaper to buy it on this island so we decide that we will sail here.
On the way to Sint Maarten you will pass several interesting islands, we would prefer to visit them all but we have to make choices because otherwise we will never get to the Pacific in time (and we will never be back in time for the hurricane season). Besides that 'haste', it is also really quite impractical not to have a dinghy while anchoring. Yes, we can swim and we do, but actually we would very much like to have a boat again as soon as possible with which we can go ashore.
We choose to visit beautiful and unspoiled Dominica. That island is too special to pass unseen, so we decide that we want to see, smell and taste Dominica with our own eyes. We give ourselves a few days and in this short time we use every second to explore the beautiful island. We are not disappointed; what natural beauty, what unspoilt nature, what beautiful rivers and waterfalls, what lovely people, how happy we have chosen to stop here! See the photo series with captions for a bird's eye view of Dominica, an island we definitely want to come back to.